Zo and Dani Evans: The New Owners of Sucre Sweets and Socials

Zo and Dani Evans, the proud owners of Sucre Sweets and Socials, were destined to take over this beloved establishment. Their journey began when they hosted their daughter Scout’s baby shower at Sucre’s original Morton location. As fate would have it, Scout is gluten and lactose intolerant, and Sucre has always been a favorite spot for her since she can enjoy most of the food there.

Last May, Sucre moved a few blocks away from its original location to downtown Morton. The new space, previously occupied by Binkley Jewelers and later Decorating Den Interiors, presented a fresh opportunity for Sucre. However, a few months after the move, the previous owner, Keely LeTourneau, decided to put the business up for sale.

Zo Evans, also known as the Morton village clerk and executive director of the JFL (Junior Football League) of Central Illinois, stumbled upon an email from the Morton Chamber of Commerce announcing Sucre’s sale. Having been on the lookout for a family-friendly gathering place to enhance Main Street, Zo saw this as the perfect opportunity.

After reaching out to the broker handling the sale, Zo and Dani embarked on three months of discussions, meetings, and negotiations to ensure that they were the right fit to carry on the Sucre brand. Finally, the deal was closed, and the keys were handed over to the Evans family.

For Zo, owning Sucre is not just a business venture, but an opportunity to create a family legacy. He cherishes the chance to teach his daughter Scout and his five step-kids the value of hard work and entrepreneurship. The Evans family is dedicated to maintaining the essence of Sucre while infusing their own passion and creativity into the business.

With Dani’s cooking and baking skills, combined with Zo’s behind-the-scenes expertise, Sucre is set to continue delighting its customers with delicious treats and a warm, welcoming atmosphere. The ownership of Sucre officially changed hands on January 1st, marking the beginning of an exciting new chapter for this beloved sweet shop.



1. Vad är glutenintolerans?

Glutenintolerans, även känd som celiaki, är en autoimmun sjukdom som orsakar en reaktion i tarmarna när en person äter livsmedel som innehåller gluten. Gluten finns i sädesslag som vete, korn och råg, och personer med glutenintolerans måste undvika dessa livsmedel för att undvika symptom och skador på tarmen.

2. Vad är laktosintolerans?

Laktosintolerans är en sjukdom där kroppen har svårt att bryta ner och absorbera laktos, sockret som finns i mjölk och mejeriprodukter. Personer med laktosintolerans upplever ofta magbesvär och andra symptom när de konsumerar mejeriprodukter.

Sucre – Huvuddomen för Sucre Sweets and Socials, där du kan hitta mer information om butiken.
Morton Chamber of Commerce – Huvuddomen för Morton Chamber of Commerce, som kan ge dig information om affärs- och ekonomifrågor i Morton.
JFL of Central Illinois – Huvuddomen för Junior Football League of Central Illinois, där Zo Evans är verkställande direktör. Här kan du lära dig mer om JFL och deras aktiviteter.